
From the President

Das Römische Karneval ist ein Fest, das dem Volke eigentlich nicht gegeben wird, sondern das sich das Volk selbst gibt.Mark this date on your calendar!


Not quite three years ago we gathered in Chicago for our second international conference, which Mr. Stuart Atkins generously endowed in honor of his parents, Lillian and Stuart P. Atkins. With Mr. Atkins’s continuing generosity, as well as additional support from the University of Pittsburgh, we will gather for the second time in six years in Pittsburgh to convene the Goethe Atkins Conference again—in the spirit of Goethe’s characterization of the Roman Carneval—as a festive event of intellectual exchange that our community of North American Goethe scholars organizes for itself.At the end of this note you can find links that will take you, virtually for now, to the conference site. So if you have not already, please go there to (1) submit a proposal for a paper and/or a panel by APRIL 1; (2) submit a proposal for the dissertation workshop, also by APRIL 1; (3) register for the conference AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; and (4) register at the conference hotel by AUGUST 1. (NB: There are other university events that weekend that would gladly use the rooms we’ve reserved, so I strongly recommend that you make your hotel reservations as soon as you are sure that you plan attending!)We are looking forward to organizing as many as twenty sessions for Friday and Saturday. And while the flow of electronic submissions of proposals has begun, there is still time to prepare and submit one by the April 1 deadline. I urge our graduate student members who are dissertating to submit their proposals as well. With this work then complete, Heather Sullivan, Horst Lange, and I will move quickly ahead with the task of choreographing the contributions into an exciting program.Beyond the usual array of sessions, we will feature two eminent keynote speakers, Jane Brown of the University of Washington, Seattle, and Anne Bohnenkamp-Renken of the Freies Deutsches Hochstift in Frankfurt. And we will continue for the third time, with the help of Daniel Purdy, to organize the highly successful Dissertation Workshop, as well as the Presidential Forum, where Astrida Tantillo, Ellis Dye, and Simon Richter will exchange views on the current (or perpetual) crisis in the humanities from a Goethean perspective. Finally, I am still working to convene a roundtable discussion or workshop with representatives of international Goethe Societies and other cultural institutions in order to discuss projects of cooperation, as well as exchange views on how best to foster our shared mission as mediators of Goethe and his Age across national borders.In addition to all the “serious” events, there will also be ample opportunity in Pittsburgh to gather as friends and celebrate our shared scholarly passions. We will be providing useful information about the city’s cultural resources and restaurants on the conference website, but I can already mention three events on the program that I think you’ll want to attend. The opening reception will be held early Thursday evening on the University campus near the conference hotel. So please plan your flights accordingly. There will be plenty to eat and to drink there, but for those who are still hungry, you will be close to an array of restaurants that serve the university communities in this part of the city. I also hope that you will have time during your stay to visit an exhibition of rare books and other Goetheana in the Special Collections Room of the Hillman Library that I am putting together. Its provisional title is “Reading Goethe and Goethe as Reader.”On a final, celebratory note, I’m excited to report success in locating our conference banquet on Saturday evening in the Andy Warhol Museum. So please be sure to book your return flights on Sunday and not before! I’ve already acquired funds to help underwrite this event, which will include an exhibition of all the Goethe serigraphs by Warhol, as well as some comments on this familiar image by the Museum Director, Eric Shiner. We will have the entire museum to ourselves for a few hours, and plans for a small Goethe installation at the museum are currently under discussion with a younger artist who has Pittsburgh roots.I hope to see many of you this fall, which is a lovely season in this region west of the Alleghenies. You will, I am sure, find our city and campus welcoming. If you attended one of our events in Pittsburgh or Chicago, you know how lively and enjoyable they can be. If you did not, please think about beginning your triennial trek to the Atkins Goethe Conference this October.Auch schmeicheln wir uns, solchen Personen zu dienen, welche dem Römischen Karneval selbst einmal beigewohnt und sich nun mit einer lebhaften Erinnerung jener Zeiten vergnügen mögen; nicht weniger solchen, welchen jene Reise noch bevorsteht und denen diese wenigen Blätter Übersicht und Genuß einer überdrängten und vorbeirauschenden Freude verschaffen können._______________________________Visit the 2014 Atkins Conference web site!See especially the tabs onSubmit a ProposalDissertation WorkshopHotel ReservationRegistration will open soon

Clark MuenzerUniversity of Pittsburgh

From the Secretary-Treasurer

In an ongoing effort to increase the strength of the society, the GSNA is always looking for new members. We ask for your assistance in this endeavor. If you know of any scholars or other interested parties who are interested in the Age of Goethe, but are not yet members, would you please encourage them to join the society? We are particularly interested in recruiting younger scholars—current and recent graduate students—to ensure the society's future for decades to come. Joining is simple. Thanks for your support in this endeavor.

Claire BaldwinColgate University

From the Yearbook Editors

Volume 21 of the Goethe Yearbook is well on its way. It contains eleven original articles that reflect the diversity of our society: there are contributions by several generations of German scholars, including pieces by David Wellbery and Katharina Mommsen, as well as innovative articles on women writers (Unger, Günderode) and several fascinating interdisciplinary pieces, ranging from an analysis of illustrations of Goethe’s works to a discussion of contemporary psychological and medical theories of ill humor in relation to Goethe’s Werther and an economic reading of Goethe’s Faust. In addition, the volume features sophisticated theoretical approaches to Goethe’s works, including an article on concepts of space in Alexis und Dora and one on notions of sacrifice in Faust. Finally, there is a study of Goethe reception around 1900 and a discussion of Albrecht von Haller’s works. We would like to use this opportunity to express our gratitude to Stanford University whose generous financial support made it possible to hire a copyeditor and thus has expedited the process considerably.We are delighted to announce that volume 22 of the Goethe Yearbook will feature a special section on Goethe and ecocriticism. The editors of this section, Dalia Nassar and Luke Fisher, invite contributions on environmental aesthetics, ethics, and philosophy, ecopoetics, Goethe’s legacy in the environmental movement, and environmental activism. Find the Call for Papers below. The deadline is March 31, 2014. Please note that, in addition to this special section, we will continue to publish contributions on all aspects of Goethezeit literature and culture in the next yearbook. We hope to hear from many of you and particularly welcome contributions by younger scholars. Please direct all correspondence to Adrian Daub at and Elisabeth Krimmer at Manuscript submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and confine themselves to less than 35 pages. For specific questions about scholarly citations, please consult the Yearbook’s style sheet.As always, the entire run of back issues is available on Project MUSE.

Adrian DaubStanford University

Elisabeth KrimmerUniversity of California at Davis

CFP: 2014 Goethe Yearbook

CFP for a Special Section of the 2014 Goethe YearbookGoethe and EnvironmentalismGuest Editors: Dalia Nassar and Luke Fischer

Over the past few decades, new movements have emerged in literary studies and philosophy (ecocriticism, ecopoetics, environmental philosophy etc.) that are concerned with the relationship between humanity and the natural environment, and the cultural dimension of the environmental crisis. While much attention has been given to the environmental legacy of romanticism, only a small amount of scholarship has focused on Goethe. In light of the central significance of nature in Goethe’s literary, theoretical and scientific texts, it could be argued that Goethe was a major forerunner of the environmental movement and that his ideas continue to be relevant in the present context. The aim of this special section of the Goethe Yearbook is to bring together various perspectives on Goethe’s relevance for environmental thought and, more specifically, to shed light on the environmental significance of Goethe’s legacy and on the potential of his ideas to contribute to contemporary debates in the environmental humanities. We welcome the submission of articles on Goethe’s significance for the following topics:

  • Environmental aesthetics
  • Ecocriticism
  • Ecopoetics
  • Environmental philosophy
  • Environmental ethics
  • Environmental management
  • Goethe’s legacy in the environmental movement
  • Environmental activism

Submission deadline: March 31, 2014Please send submissions to the guest editors at: and note that, in addition to this special section, we will continue to publish contributions on all aspects of Goethezeit literature and culture in the next yearbook. We hope to hear from many of you and particularly welcome contributions by younger scholars.

Adrian DaubStanford University

Elisabeth KrimmerUniversity of California at Davis