
2013 Essay Prize

The Goethe Society awarded the 2013 best essay prize to Patricia Anne Simpson for her article, "Sacred Maternity and Secular Sons: Hölderlin’s Madonna as Muse." I join my colleague Gail Hart and Peter Höyng in congratulating her for her superb scholarship. Patricia Simpson is Professor of German at Montana State University and her essay appeared in the Camden House anthology, Religion, Reason, and Culture in the Age of Goethe, which she edited along with Elizabeth Krimmer.Patricia Simpson’s essay moves from broadest imaginable intellectual history to a very close reading of an exemplary poem. Her opening paragraph follows the fine German academic tradition of synthesizing as many ideas as possible in one very complex statement, in other words, it shows off just how smart the author is. She situates her argument within eighteenth-century debates over philosophy and theology, the place of the divine in secular modernity, as well the as the importance of pantheism, polytheism, and paganism within poetry. In its broad sweep, the essay reasserts the prominence of religion in our understanding of German intellectual history. She surveys the shifting boundaries between religion and philosophy from Spinoza to Habermas, without becoming so lost in abstraction that she ignores the real life consequences heterodox thinkers faced when they offend the reigning institutions. After a forceful overview, Professor SImpson then winnows her argument down from the accusations of atheism Fichte faced to a tightly focused reading of Hölderlin’s neglected fragmentary ode, "An die Madonna." Simpson demonstrates how Hölderlin attention to maternity, religion and poetic epiphany stood dramatically apart from that of his contemporaries.In choosing Professor Simpson’s work in a year rich with North American Goethezeit scholarship, the committee characterized it as "a beautiful reading of Hölderlin's poetry, explaining the murky dynamics of the Madonna figure and its references to gendered parents with great clarity while disrupting the very basic assumptions about modernity and secularism." In the end we all agreed that it was "thoroughly researched, broad in scope, shedding new light on Hölderlin, with a sophisticated argument, all the while elegantly presented. Ein kleines Meisterwerk."

Daniel PurdyPennsylvania State University


From the President

After more than two years of planning, the 2014 Atkins Conference in Pittsburgh is quickly approaching. With the unflinching support and tireless work of our directors, Heather Sullivan and Horst Lange—who along with me have designed our program—as well as with Burkhard Henke’s technical and aesthetic expertise, everything is now falling into place. Please, therefore, think of this message to you as my last “breathless” invitation to join the festivities in Pittsburgh.The final program will be posted on the conference website in just a day or two, so take the time to review it and complete your personal schedules. They are sure be filled with events that will edify and entertain. At the top of the list are our two keynote addresses by our two distinguished colleagues Jane K. Brown and Anne Bohnenkamp-Renke, whom we will also honor with Life Memberships to the Society. But to launch things on Thursday evening after our Annual Business Meeting we are hosting a gala reception with enough food and drink (at least for most of us) to make a late dinner unnecessary. And for those arriving in the afternoon, after picking up your registration packets at the Wyndham Hotel, please consider taking the five-minute walk to the University Library to inspect an exhibition of rare books, manuscripts, and Goetheana in the Special Collections Department on the third floor, where you can also visit a display of books by members. Friday and Saturday, of course, will be the talks. In addition to the Keynote Addresses, these will include our Presidential Forum with Ellis Dye, Simon Richter, and Astrida Tantillo speaking to “Goethe and the Humanities Today” and some twenty panel with sixty papers, courtesy of you.About seventy-five people have already signed-up for the final event on Saturday evening at the Andy Warhol Museum, but you still have a few days to buy a ticket on the conference website, if you don’t want to be alone in your room at the hotel. In addition to drinks and food, we will nourish you with full access to all seven floors of the museum, just for our group, as well as a display of all five of Andy’s Goethe-serigraphs and an animation installation entitled “The Poodle Arrives.” If you haven’t heard already, we are providing bus transportation from the Wyndham, but all that information and more is in the “Program.”I’ll have to leave you now to check menus, rooms, and student workers. If all goes as planned, they will be the people wearing conference t-shirts who can help you out and answer your questions.Have safe journeys all to Pittsburgh. We’ll be seeing each other in just over a week!

Clark MuenzerUniversity of Pittsburgh

From the Yearbook Editors

Vol. 22 of the Goethe Yearbook is currently being copy-edited and will be on its way to the printer soon. It features a special section on Environmentalism edited by Dalia Nassar and Luke Fischer with contributions on: the metaphor of music in Goethe’s scientific work and its influence on Gilles Deleuze, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jakob von Uexküll and Viktor Zuckerkandl (Frederick Amrine); Goethe’s conceptualization of modern civilization in Faust (Gernot Böhme); a non-anthropocentric vision of nature in Goethe’s writings on the intermaxillary bone (Ryan Feigenbaum); Goethe’s geopoetics of granite (Jason Groves); the historical antecedents of biosemiotics in Goethe’s “Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen” (Cate Rigby); and on the concept of the ‘Dark Pastoral’ in Goethe’s Werther (Heather I. Sullivan).In addition, there are also original contributions on Goethe as a spiritual predecessor of the phenomenological movement (Iris Hennigfeld); on concepts of the “hermaphrodite” in contributions to the Encyclopédie by Louis de Jaucourt and Albrecht von Haller (Stephanie Hilger); on Goethe’s poem “Nähe des Geliebten” (David Hill); on the link between commerce and culture, that is, between the consumption of Asian luxury products and the reading of foreign literature in Goethe’s West-östlicher Divan (Daniel Purdy); on Goethe’s thoughts on collecting and museums (Helmut Schneider); and on the role and representation of intrigues in the works of J.M.R. Lenz (Inge Stephan).We would like to use this opportunity to express our gratitude to Stanford University whose generous financial support made it possible to hire a copyeditor and thus has expedited the process considerably. We are now accepting contributions to Vol. 23. We hope to hear from many of you and particularly welcome contributions by younger scholars.As always, the entire run of back issues is available on Project MUSE.

Adrian DaubStanford University

Elisabeth KrimmerUniversity of California at Davis

2015 MLA Panels

Special GSNA Sessions at the Annual Convention of the Modern Language AssociationVancouver, 8–11 January 2015

135. Postclassical Goethe and the Pleasure of the Senses

Thursday, 8 January, 5:15–6:30 p.m., 10, VCC EastPresiding: Joel B. Lande, Princeton University

  1. “Thought and Language in Goethe’s ‘Pandora,’“ David Edward Wellbery, University of Chicago
  2. “The Scandal of Deep Time in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre,” Timothy Attanucci, Johannes Gutenberg–Universität Mainz
  3. “The Intimacy of Knowledge in Goethe’s Science,” Joel B. Lande 
206. Goethe’s Poetic Faculties and the Primacy of the Senses

Friday, 9 January8:30–9:45 a.m., 19, VCC EastPresiding: Claire Baldwin, Colgate University

  1. “Abstraction and Paraphrase in Goethe’s Study of Weather,” Alice Christensen, Princeton University
  2. “‘Ein Verhältnis, welches man auszusprechen kaum wagen darf’: On the Embodiment of Intuitive Understanding in Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre,” Michael Saman, Princeton University
  3. “Between Art and Nature: The Pygmalion Motif in Goethe’s Römische Elegien,” Alexis Briley, Cornell University
313. “Bodies That Matter”: Corporeality and Materiality in the Age of Goethe

Friday, 9 January, 1:45–3:00 p.m., 5, VCC EastPresiding: Julie Koser, University of Maryland, College Park

  1. “Impossible Ideals: Virginity and Maternity in Goethe’s Werther,” Lauren Nossett, University of California, Davis
  2. “Bodies That Matter and Don’t Matter in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister,” Susan Elizabeth Gustafson, University of Rochester
  3. “‘Pen Portraits’ and Salon Encounters in Berlin around 1800,” Marjanne Elaine Goozé, University of Georgia