From the Editor of the Book Series
As I step into this new position, I’m thrilled to announce that not only will our three current editorial board members—Martha Helfer, Simon Richter, and Astrida Tantillo—continue to serve, but our outgoing editor Jane Brown has agreed to stay on as well as a member of the board. We’re all very pleased that the series will continue to profit from Jane’s keen editorial judgment and marvelous intellectual insight. Both previous editors, Jane and Astrida, have built a strong, collaborative foundation on which the series can grow.As a reminder, here is the series description from the Bucknell UP website:“New Studies in the Age of Goethe, sponsored by the Goethe Society of North America, aims to publish innovative research that contextualizes the “Age of Goethe,” whether within the fields of literature, history (including art history and history of science), philosophy, art, music, or politics. We encourage the submission of high-quality manuscripts and welcome all approaches and perspectives. We are especially interested in interdisciplinary projects, creative approaches to archival or original source materials, theoretically informed scholarship, work that introduces previously undiscovered materials, or projects that re-examine traditional epochal boundaries or open new channels of interpretations.”Currently we have three manuscripts at various stages in the pipeline and are always eager to receive more. Consider submitting your own work and meanwhile spread the word! The series offers unique advantages for its authors: from our excellent board, a highly attentive, collegial review process; from the GSNA, supplementary funds for advertising and design, special opportunities for publicity, and, in general, the benefit of the society’s wonderful scholarly network.Please direct proposals or inquiries to me at I hope to hear from you!
Karin SchutjerUniversity of Oklahoma
From the Yearbook Editors
As Volume 23 of the Goethe Yearbook is getting ready for publication, we are busy putting together what is looking to be an even larger 24th volume. A special section on “Space and Place in the Goethezeit,” guest-edited by John Lyon and Elliott Schreiber, will collect six essays by eminent and up-and-coming scholars. Eight contributions outside of this focus will bring together scholars from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds and career stages. The review section, edited for the first time by Sean Franzel, will provide an overview of new publications on Goethe and his age.We continue to be excited by the way in which the Yearbook manages to reflect the diversity among scholars of the Goethezeit, and the immense spirit of intellectual community that shines through in the reviews. In that spirit, we continue to ask scholars at any stage of their career to get in touch, to submit their work, and to review.Manuscript submissions should reach us by late May, preferably earlier. Submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and confine themselves to less than 35 pages. For specific questions about scholarly citations, please consult the Yearbook’s style sheet.Note that the entire run of back issues is available on Project MUSE.
Adrian DaubStanford University
Elisabeth KrimmerUniversity of California at Davis
2016 GSA Panels
Special GSNA Sessions at the Annual Meeting of the German Studies AssociationSan Diego, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2016
Organized by Edgar Landgraf and Elliott Schreiber
Goethe at Play: Theories, Narratives, and Practices of Play in the Goethezeit (1)
Moderator: Elliott Schreiber (Vassar)Commentator: Edgar Landgraf (Bowling Green)
- Ian McNeely (U of Oregon), “Kant for Kindergarteners: The Pedagogy of Play during the German Educational Revolution”
- Christiane Frey (NYU), “The Games of the Rule: Knowing and Playing 1799/1800”
- Nicholas Rennie (Rutgers), “Play with Memory: Faust”
Goethe at Play: Theories, Narratives, and Practices of Play in the Goethezeit (2)
Moderator: Nicholas Rennie (Rutgers)Commentator: Nicole Calian (U of Washington)
- Patricia Simpson (U of Montana), “Playthings: Goethe’s Favorite Toys”
- Elliott Schreiber (Bowling Green), “Literary Fairytales and Imaginative Play (Goethe, Tieck, Andersen)”
- Michael Powers (Tufts), “Play, or the First Poetry”
- Christian Weber (Florida State), “Erotic Play in Poetry: Uz, Klopstock, Goethe”
Goethe at Play: Theories, Narratives, and Practices of Play in the Goethezeit (3)
Moderator: Michael Powers (Tufts)Commentator: Christian Weber (Florida State)
- Sam Heidepriem (U of Michigan), “Free Play in Kant, Schiller, and Poststructuralism”
- Christoph Rauen (U Kiel), “Das Spiel als Modell autonomer Kunst um 1800 (Nicolai, Musäus, Schiller, Goethe)”
- David Martyn (Macalester), “Authorship as Play: Schleiermacher’s Translingual Poetics”
From the Executive Secretary
I am delighted to continue my work for GSNA as your new executive secretary!Let me start with many thanks: to Karin Schutjer, for doing such a marvelous job and helping along the transition, everybody at the executive committee and particularly Burkhard Henke for helping me keep deadlines and disseminate information. Thanks to all of you for sending me ideas, suggestions, and conference panel proposals – but please no books or reviews. Please send them to Sean Franzel, who is doing a marvelous job.The call for panel proposals for MLA 2017 has gone out already, but here is a list of current and upcoming deadlines:
- ASECS, 15 March 2016 for the 2017 convention
- GSA, 15 November 2016 for the 2017 convention
- MLA, 1 December 2016 for the 2018 convention
For the 2016 GSA, Elliott Schreiber and Edgar Landgraf have arranged an impressive series of panels on Goethe at Play. Three panels, sponsored by our society, have been submitted to the program committee. You can see details below. Clearly, we’ll be well represented in San Diego!In the meantime, happy spring and please do not hesitate to contact me!
Birgit TautzBowdoin College