Call for Papers: GSA 2019

GSNA-Sponsored Panel for the 2019 GSA Conference, Portland, OR, 3-6 October 2019

Karl Philipp Moritz’s Interdisciplinary Stance

For a long time, Karl Philipp Moritz was viewed as a minor figure in German intellectual history and as a mere epigone of Goethe. Today, he is appreciated for his important role in the evolution of several disciplines: modern aesthetic theory, psychology, and pedagogy, just to mention a few. He is considered the instigator of the theory of aesthetic autonomy, the inventor of the psychological case study, and a reformer of pedagogical practices.Lately, researchers have begun to emphasize the various intersections between these different disciplines, thus revitalizing the understanding of Moritz’s place in eighteenth-century thought. Following this trajectory, scholars are hereby invited to submit abstracts for a panel on the interdisciplinary stance in Moritz’s work. The scope of the panel is to engage more systematically with the connections between disciplines in his theoretical and fictional work. The papers should aim at combining or contrasting Moritz’s contributions to various intellectual and artistic fields, thus revealing the consistencies, tensions, and/or developments of his thought.The following list of keywords are suggestions only and not meant to limit the scope of inquiry:

  • Aesthetic autonomy
  • Art history
  • Beauty
  • Ethics
  • Formation
  • Grammar
  • Interest and disinterest
  • Language pedagogy
  • Mythology
  • Pedagogy
  • Perfection
  • Politics
  • Prosody
  • Psychology
  • Signature
  • Theology

Please send abstracts (350-600 words) and a short bio in either English or German to Mattias Pirholt, Södertörn University ( by 15 January 2019.Mattias PirholtProfessor of Comparative LiteratureSchool of Culture and EducationSödertörn UniversitySE-141 89 HuddingeSweden

2018 Election Results

Dear members of the Goethe Society of North America!The election results for the 2019-2022 term are in and were announced at the annual meeting of the German Studies Association. Congratulations to our newly elected officers!Vice President: Heather SullivanDirectors at-Large: Vance Byrd and Eleonor ter HorstSecretary-Treasurer: William CarterThank you to the nominating committee and to all those members who stood for election.

2017 Prizes Announced

It was an exciting year for Goethezeit studies, with over forty essays for the committee to read, of truly high quality. I would like to thank committee members John Smith and Heidi Schlipphacke for their stalwart work, reading so many articles over summer break.Gabriel Trop published three articles in 2017, each of which was worthy of an award. The committee selected as the essay prize winner “Goethe’s Faust and the Absolute of Naturphilosophie,” The Germanic Review 92.4 (2017): 388-406. The article succeeds remarkably in several ways: it offers a new perspective on one of the most written about and studied plays; it makes Schelling’s version of Naturphilosophie not only clear in its essence but also applicable as a way of understanding a literary text; and it gives us a new insight into the makings of tragedy. Trop sees in Schelling an ontology of tensions and conflicting forces—attraction and repulsion, contraction and expansion. As Trop writes elegantly: “a chaotic reserve of disorder belongs intrinsically to the unfolding of the absolute of Naturphilosophie.” Precisely this structure makes for the principle of signification in Faust, as Trop shows in fresh analyses of disorderly figures including Gretchen, Homunculus, and Euphorion, concluding that in his resistance to the Eternal Feminine Mephistopheles both negates life and presents a new ethics of the absolute. The key is that the tragic unfolding is not based in the subjectivity of the striving Faust but in the very nature of the Absolute itself.The committee also awarded an honorable mention to another scholar who had an exceptionally productive year, Leif Weatherby, for his elegant essay “A Reconsideration of the Romantic Fragment,” which indeed appeared in the same issue of The Germanic Review immediately after Trop’s essay (pp. 407-25). As a form of Witz that is a conjunction of opposites, the fragment, in Weatherby’s reading, also is a mediating place where science and poetry intersect through material irony.We also had to decide on an essay with a focus on natural science, for the Richard Sussman Essay Prize. Here, too, there were some interesting choices for us, with studies of chemistry, light, and, of course, equilibrium, thanks to a special issue of The Germanic Review edited by Jocelyn Holland and Gabriel Trop. However, we selected the nuanced essay by Tove Holmes, “Reizende Aussichten: Aesthetic and Scientific Observation in Albrecht von Haller’s Die Alpen,” published in Modern Language Notes 132.3 (2017): 753-74. Haller’s long poem is not at the top of many of our reading lists, so it was refreshing to see it brought to life in this essay and rescued from Lessing’s potent negative reading of its descriptive mode. Holmes shows the way Haller’s scientific sensibility frames a way of observing the world that then feeds into the poetic descriptions, notably ekphrasis. But the reverse is also true: according to Holmes, because Haller wrote his poem at a time just before the “two cultures” of natural science and the humanities separated over different conceptions of methodology, his poetic sensibility, informed by a traditional notion of energeia or “bringing vividly before the eyes,” shaped his scientific observations and invites us to look forward as well to a more modern practice of scientific observation.

Catriona MacLeodUniversity of Pennsylvania

From the President

In 2018 the Goethe Society published the 25th volume of its Yearbook, demonstrating thereby the robust vitality of North American scholarship on the poet and his age. Copies of the first volume, printed in 1982, are hard to find nowadays, but thanks to Project Muse, scholars can read their way through the entire run. Such a perusal offers a diachronic sample that reveals how Germanistik on this side of the Atlantic has developed, as the seasons of scholarship are preserved in the Yearbook. The first essay in the first volume was written by David Wellbery; Jane Brown’s essay on Act II of Faust II appeared in the second volume—both scholars continue their leading role in the Society. In a remarkable demonstration of continuity, Ehrhard Bahr has published research in both the first and the most recent volume. Some of us were adolescents just glancing up from our copies of Werther when the Society was founded. The most recent volumes show that in the twenty-first century we often contemplate the famous names from 1800 with different eyes than before, so that today’s pressing issues lead readers into books and questions long forgotten. If physics had once dispelled Naturphilosophie as mere idealistic speculation, recent investigations make clear that the history of science is quite interlaced with poetic visions, not so different from Faust’s. Twenty-first century demands to preserve and protect the environment also compel us to reconsider the eighteenth-century portrayal of “Nature,” along with Goethe’s organic depictions of weather, atmospheres, and clouds. This rotation of scholarly approaches to German literature will become obvious as members vote for new officers.Assuming an office in the Goethe Society also enjoins one to absorb the full spectrum of members’ scholarship. In our Society, stepping into an office automatically compels a person to take account of the legacy that precedes. When I was allowed to become the Yearbook editor, the task of charting the many approaches into the eighteenth century obligated me to read through the back issues, thereby renewing my relationship to German culture by looking farther than my own strait track. This insight was guided, of course, by Tom Saine and Simon Richter, the founding and succeeding editors, who gently reminded me of my responsibility to all members of the Goethe Society. The advice to look beyond myself also included the task of fostering the next generation of scholars. Just as you feel that you have grasped the nuances of literary scholarship, the Society calls on you to consider your replacement—to make sure that beginning scholars also find their voice in the dialogue, so that they too can feel empowered and so that the study of German literature never becomes an ossified erudition. To that end, we have stepped up our financial support of younger scholars attending our tri-annual conference and we have expanded the prizes we offer for scholarly essays written in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century literature, philosophy, and science.As I finish my term, I welcome Catriona MacLeod as the next President. I urge you all to vote for the next officers, all of whom have shown a sincere scholarly dedication to the Society. My fellow out-going officers I wish to thank for their hard work, their friendly counsel and aid, their critical acumen, and their commitment to preserving scholarly excellence. John Smith and Heidi Schlipphacke have assiduously fulfilled many crucial functions in planning the conference and selecting the essay prizes. Christian Weber was the steady hand as Secretary-Treasurer, keeping our finances in order and offering sound expertise. Burkhard Henke has been our indispensable webmaster, who keeps us all connected and communicating. As Executive Secretary, Birgit Tautz, followed by Elliott Schreiber, has planned the many panels and meetings we hold at other conferences—exhorting, cajoling, collecting proposals for submission elsewhere. In addition, to guiding the Book Series with Bucknell University Press, Karin Schutjer has provided the institutional memory every organization needs to preserve continuity and fairness. Our new Yearbook editors, Patricia Simpson and Birgit Tautz, are well on their way to compiling the next volume of the Goethe Yearbook, allowing us to look forward to volume 50. Sean Franzel keeps all us book reviewers honest with his overview. To Catriona MacLeod I am most grateful, not only for running the book prizes and the dissertation workshop, but even more so for her wise counsel over the last three years. I wish her great success.

Daniel PurdyPennsylvania State University