The Goethe Society of North America and the MLA forum on Comparative Literature and Culture Studies of the 18th century invite proposals for the following collaborative panel:
New Philology, Media Ecology
This panel invites papers that engage media philology (Medienphilologie) and/or media ecology in their relation and application to 18th-century literary texts. What is media philology? Why is the nexus of philology and media of current interest? Why does the Anglo-American world embrace media ecology rather than philology? And what are the unique contributions of media philology and media ecology, respectively? All approaches addressing these questions are welcome, particularly in relation to media and mediality, intermediality, the archive, philology and antiquarian studies, and disciplinary boundaries within the Humanities.1-page abstracts by March 15, 2017, to Birgit Tautz at and Nicholas Rennie at