Wahlen stehen ins Haus!

With the invigorating Atkins Conference at Penn State behind us, the Society is looking forward to new elections to its executive board. After Elliot Schreiber succeeded Birgit Tautz as Executive Secretary in the fall, and Birgit and Patty Simpson took over the reigns as co-editors of the Goethe Yearbook from Adrian Daub and Elisabeth Krimmer, we are now looking to fill the positions of Vice President, Director-at-Large (2x), and Secretary-Treasurer.Our nominating committee, comprised of Mary Helen Dupree, John Lyons, and Leif Weatherby, will be glad to accept nominations and self-nominations from members. If you would like to make one, please write to the committee chair, John Lyons, at jblyon@pitt.edu, by May 1.