Goethe Yearbook 13 (2005)
Jeffrey L. Sammons, “Presidential Address (December, 2004) Schiller vs. Goethe: Revisiting the Conflicting Reception Vectors of Heinrich Heine, Ludwig Börne, and Wolfgang Menzel.” 1-17.
Eric Hadley Denton, “Goethe’s Mixed Media: The Entertainers in Jahrmarktsfest zu Plundersweilern.” 19-52.
Matt Erlin, “Goethe’s ‘Ilmenau’ and the Origins of the Aesthetic State.” 53-74.
Jaimey Fisher, “Familial Politics and Political Families: Consent, Critique, and the Fraternal Social Contract in Schiller’s Die Räuber.” 75-103.
Ingrid Broszeit-Rieger, “Paintings in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister Novels: The Dynamics of Erecting and ‘Eroding’ the Paternal Law.” 105-124.
Rainer Kawa, “‘Waldplatz,’ ‘Wahlplatz’: Miszelle zur Golgatha-Konnotation einer Episode in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre.” 125-130.
David Barry, “Shocks from a Sicilian Underworld: Gangi, ‘Gänge,’ and a New Source for the ‘Mütter in Goethe’s Faust.” 131-147.
Stephanie Dawson, “‘Feuer brennen blau’: Rethinking the Rainbow in Goethe’s Faust.” 149-164.
John Pizer, “Cosmopolitanism and Weltliteratur.” 165-179.
Waltraud Maierhofer, “‘Von jedem öffentlichen Wirken in Deutschland ausgeschloßen’: Ein Brief Ottilie von Goethes an Sarah Austin (4. Aug. 1840).” 181-187.
Book Reviews:
Katharina Mommsen, Goethe’s Art of Living. Trans. John Crosetto, J. Whaley, and R. M. Schell. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2003. 166 pp. (Elizabeth Powers). 189-192.
Astrida Orle Tantillo, The Will to Create: Goethe’s Philosophy of Nature. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2002. 241 pp. (William S. Davis). 192-195.
Robert D. Tobin, Doctor’s Orders: Goethe and Enlightenment Thought. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell UP, 2001. 255 pp. (John A. McCarthy). 195-199.
Katharina Mommsen, Goethe und der Islam. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 2001. (Ingrid Stipa). 199-203.
Dietrich Briesemeister and Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert, eds., Von Spanien nach Deutschland und Weimar-Jena: Verdichtung der Kulturbeziehungen in der Goethezeit. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003. 365 pp. (Edward T. Larkin). 203-205.
Gert Sautermeister and Frank Baron, eds., Goethe im Exil: Deutsch-Amerikanische Perspektiven. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2002. 297 pp. (Jeffrey L. Sammons). 205-208.
Daniel J. Farrelly, Goethe in East Germany, 1949-1989: Toward a History of Goethe Reception in the GDR. Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House, 1998. 168 pp. (Jeffrey L. High). 208-211.
Robert J. Richards, The Romantic Conception of Life: Science and Philosophy in the Age of Goethe. Chicago and London: U of Chicago P, 2002. 587 pp., 5 color plates, 39 halftones, 10 line drawings. (Horst Lange). 211-216.
Peter Brandes, Goethes ‘Faust’: Poetik der Gabe und Selbstreflexion der Dichtung. Paderborn: Fink, 2003. 298 pp. (Nicholas Rennie). 216-218.
Hans Joachim Kreutzer, Faust: Mythos und Musik. Munich: Beck, 2003. 187 pp. (Nicholas Rennie). 218-221.
Hellmut Ammerlahn, Imagination und Wahrheit: Goethes Künstler-Bildungsroman Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, Struktur, Symbolik, Poetologie. Würtzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003. 448 pp. (Ellis Dye). 221-230.
Joachim Berger, Anna Amalia von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach: Denk-und Handlungsräume einer “aufgeklärten” Herzogin. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003. 679 pp. (Diether Haenicke). 230-232.
Claire Baldwin, The Emergence of the Modern German Novel: Christoph Martin Wieland, Sophie von La Roche, and Maria Anna Sagar. New York: Camden House, 2003. 262 pp. (Erlis Wickersham). 232-234.
Susanne Kord, Women Peasant Poets in Eighteenth-Century England, Scotland, and Germany: Milkmaids on Parnassus. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2003. 325 pp. (Julie D. Prandi). 234-235.
Eleanor E. ter Horst, Lessing, Goethe, Kleist and the Transformation of Gender: From Hermaphrodite to Amazon. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. 210 pp. (Erlis Wickersham). 236-237.
Ulrich Marzolph, ed., Feen-Mährchen: Zur Unterhaltung für Freunde und Freundinnen der Feenwelt. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2000. 331 pp. (Heather I. Sullivan). 237-239.
Michel Chaouli, The Laboratory of Poetry: Chemistry and Poetics in the Work of Friedrich Schlegel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2002. 290 pp. (Kelly Barry). 239-241.
Birgit Röder, A Study of the Major Novellas of E. T. A. Hoffmann. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2003. xiv + 193 pp. (Thomas L. Cooksey). 242-244.