Special Section on The Poetics of Space in the Goethezeit, edited by Elliot Schreiber and John B. Lyon
Elliot Schreiber and John B. Lyon, “Introduction: The Poetics of Space in the Goethezeit.” 3-19.
Colin Benert, “The Theater of Anamnesis: The Spaces of Memory and the Exteriority of Time in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre.” 21-41.
Anthony Mahler, “Affective Enclosures: The Topography and Topoi of Goethe’s Autobiographical Childhood.” 43-63
Tove Holmes, “Blind Spots as Projection Spaces in Die Wahlverwandtschaften. 65-84.
John B. Lyon, “Disorientation in Novalis or ‘The Subterranean Homesick Blues’.” 85-103.
Joseph D. O’Neil, “Selfhood, Sovereignty, and Public Space in Die italienische Reise, “Das Rochus-Fest zu Bingen,” and Dichtung und Wahrheit, Book Five.” 105-124.
Christian P. Weber, “Spatial Mobilization: Kleist’s Strategic Road Map for the Berliner Abendblätter and Tactical Displacements in the ‘Tagesbegebenheiten’.” 125-153.
Monika Nenon, “‘Daseyn enthüllen’: Zum mediengeschichtlichen Kontext von Friedrich Heinrich Jacobis Eduard Allwills Papiere.” 155-174.
Sara Luly, “The Horror of Coming Home: Integration and Fragmentation in Caroline de la Motte Fouqué’s ‘Der Abtrünnige’.” 175-195.
Stephanie Galasso, “Form and Contention: Sati as Custom in Günderrode’s ‘Die Malabarischen Witwen’.” 197-220.
Gabriel Trop, “Absolute Signification and Ontological Inconsistency in E. T. A. Hoffmann’s Der Sandmann.” 221-248.
Edgar Landgraf, “Educational Environments: Narration and Education in Campe, Goethe, and Kleist.” 249-264.
Inge Stephan, “‘War Goethe ein Mohammedaner?’: Goethes West-östlicher Divan (1819) als Spiegelungsfläche in Thomas Lehrs September. Fata Morgana (2010). 265-279.
Book Reviews:
Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (review). Walter K. Stewart. 281-282.
Goethe’s Faust and Cultural Memory: Comparatist Interfaces ed. by Lorna Fitzsimmons (review). Andrew B. B. Hamilton. 283-284.
Lorbeerkranz und Palmenzweig: Streifzüge im Gebiet des poetischen Lobs by Johannes Anderegg (review). Hans Rudolf Vaget. 284-285.
Ungleiche Gleichgesinnte: Die Beziehung zwischen Goethe und Schiller, 1794–98 by Gerrit Brüning (review). Jeffrey L. Sammons. 285-287.
Goethes Freunde in Gotha und Weimar by Sigrid Damm (review). Elizabeth Powers. 287-290.
The Eye and the Gaze: Goethe and the Autobiographical Subject by Evelyn K. Moore (review). Seth Berk. 290-292.
Mehr Licht: Goethe mit Newton im Streit um die Farben by Olaf L. Müller (review). Joel B. Lande. 292-293.
Goethe and Judaism: The Troubled Inheritance of Modern Literature by Karin Schutjer (review). Jonathan M. Hess. 293-295.
Demonic History: From Goethe to the Present by Kirk Wetters (review). Daniel DiMassa. 295-297.
A Translation from German into English of Joseph von Eichendorff’s Romantic Novel Ahnung und Gegenwart (1815) by Joseph von Eichendorff (review). Erlis Glass Wickersham. 297-298.
Die Welt in Bildern: Erfahrungen und Evidenz in Friedrich J. Bertuchs Bilderbuch für Kinder by Silvy Chakkalakal (review). Patricia Anne Simpson. 299-300.
Weibliche Kreativität um 1800: Women’s Creativity around 1800 ed. by Linda Dietrick and Birte Giesler (review). Sara Luly. 301-302.
Novel Affinities: Composing the Family in the German Novel, 1795–1830 by Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge (review). Erlis Glass Wickersham. 302-304.
Autopsie von Revolution und Restauration: Georg Büchner und die politische Imagination by Patrick Fortmann (review). Bernd K. Estabrook. 304-305.
Europäische Romantik: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven der Forschung ed. by Helmut Hühn and Joachim Schiedermair (review). Marcus Lampert. 305-307.
Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750–1837 by Alessa Johns (review). Karin Baumgartner. 307-309.
Forgotten Dreams: Revisiting Romanticism in the Cinema of Werner Herzog by Laurie Ruth Johnson (review). Kamaal Haque. 309-311.
Zeitschriftenliteratur/Fortsetzungsliteratur ed. by Nicola Kaminski, Nora Ramtke, and Carsten Zelle (review). Vance Byrd. 311-313.
Romanticism, Origins, and the History of Heredity by Christine Lehleiter (review). Stefani Engelstein. 313-315.
Fragile Minds and Vulnerable Souls: The Matter of Obscenity in Nineteenth-Century Germany by Sarah L. Leonard (review). Samper Vendrell. 315-317.
E. T. A. Hoffmann, Cosmopolitanism, and the Struggle for German Opera by Francien Markx (review). Christopher R. Clason. 317-319.
The Science of Literature: Essays on an Incalculable Difference by Helmut Müller-Sievers (review). Joseph D. O’Neil. 319-321.
Poetry as a Way of Life: Aesthetics and Askesis in the German Eighteenth Century by Gabriel Trop (review). Christian P. Weber. 321-324.
Transplanting the Metaphysical Organ: German Romanticism between Leibniz and Marx by Leif Weatherby (review). Alice A. Kuzniar. 324-326.